pattern, rhythm & invisible thread: Eveline Kotai art cards

pattern, rhythm & invisible thread: Eveline Kotai art cards

Eveline Kotai Art Card Art Gallery of Western Australia

Today is a really exciting day! Earlier I delivered a bunch of freshly designed and printed (in Western Australia) Eveline Kotai art cards to the Art Gallery of Western Australia. Until now I have only designed art cards for Philippa Nikulinsky.

Months ago I was wandering round the Art Gallery and picked up a copy of Eveline's monograph, Invisible Threads (Art Collective WA). This was the catalyst to approach Eveline to design a range of greeting cards

Breathing Pattern is the latest exhibition in the Art Gallery of Western Australia's WA Now series. Breathing Pattern showcases Eveline's new and recent work, including canvas reconstructions and painting. Curated by Dunja Rmandić (Associate Curator 21st Century Arts), it is showing until 10 February 2020.

It was a privilege and pleasure to work with Eveline to create this art card range. Quite a challenge to choose which artwork to use, however! I picked ten works, a superb mixture of pattern and colour, dating from 1999 to now. Each art card is matched with a colour envelope. The range is currently available at the Art Gallery of Western Australia and the studio Nikulinsky online shop.

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