Welcome to the cool weather of Djeran
I read today that in the South West of WA, we are entering the Noongar season of Djeran (April/May). Noongar seasons make a lot more sense as they aren't bound by arbitrary dates, rather they begin and end according to environmental changes.
Indigenous elder and Noongar man Noel Nannup explains there are several signs to indicate the change in season.
The first key sign is the wind change, the second key sign is blossoms blooming on certain native plants and the third,
the movement of animals. The full interview is available to read here.
Djeran is the time of banksia and gum tree blooms - marri, corymbia ficifolia and banksia menziesii.
I've been enjoying the updates from Philippa, who is currently painting a Marri tree local to her studio. Here's some progress photos:
I've created a Djeran collection of botanical greeting cards and other beautiful so you can easily share a card featuring a currently-flowering plant with a friend. View it here.
What's flowering near you? Leave a comment below!